
What is grace2go?

In the midst of a Walking In Grace Women's Bible Study at McKinney Housing Authority we realized the residents had many unmet needs. One that stood out the greatest to us was the lack of fresh produce for the families. The cost of fresh fruit and vegetables was not in the budget for most of these families. Often they'd use their foodstamps to buy processed foods that had a longer shelf life which led to low nutritional value in their daily diets. So grace2go was born. 

Once a month we deliver fresh produce to the McKinney Housing Authority properties, as well as, a low-income apartment complex in McKinney. Our mission and goal is to build relationships with the residents we serve. It is not about the bag of groceries. Our desire is to share Christ and be His hands and feet. We spend time with the resident - often praying for their physical and spiritual needs.

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40


November Produce  Delivery!

       Sunday, November 17, 2024

       1pm @ Cornerstone Christian Academy


Please sign-up below. 

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Can we volunteer as a family?

One of the most exciting things about grace2go for our volunteers is the opportunity it gives them to server as a family. Childen of all ages can contribute by putting items in the bags, greeting resident children on site and simply demonstrating the joy that only children can clearly communicate.

That being said, our policy is no one delivers alone; children and teenages must stay stay with their parent or an adult. We have built great relationships on these properties and have never had a security issue but we realize we don't know the community in its entirety.


How can I get involved?

On the third Sunday of every month volunteers gather at Cornerstone Christian Academy, 808 S. College Street, McKinney at 1pm to prepare and package the grocery bags with potatoes, apples, oranges, bananas and other items as they are available. Our mapping coordinator provides a highlighted map of each property that designates the units volunteers will deliver to.

Prior to the delivery day we send out a signup email to our volunteer base. If you would like to be included send us a note at

We provide training to all new volunteers by sending them out with a seasoned grace2go volunteer to walk through the process with them until the new volunteer feels comfortable.

We would love to have you join us. You will be changed!


Support grace2go by clicking the button below.


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